Subaru Forester Window Regulator

Troubleshooting Tips for Your Subaru Forester Window Motor

If you drive a Subaru Forester, you know how important it is to have fully functioning windows. Whether you’re trying to enjoy a breeze on a sunny day or need to pay a toll, your Subaru Forester Window Motor plays a crucial role in ensuring your windows operate smoothly. This blog post will discuss some troubleshooting tips for your Subaru Window Motor to help you keep your windows in top condition. Let’s first understand the common problems that can occur with your Subaru Window Motor and then provide you with practical solutions. This will assist you in effectively diagnosing and solving any window motor issues you may be facing.

Understanding Your Subaru Forester Window Regulator

The Subaru Forester Window Regulator is a mechanical assembly that works closely with the window motor to manage the movement of your vehicle’s windows. This component converts the rotational motion of the motor into the vertical motion needed to raise or lower the window glass.

The design typically involves a series of gears, tracks, and linkages that guide the window in a controlled manner. It’s vital for Subaru Forester owners to grasp the interplay between the window regulator and the motor since diagnosing issues with your window’s operation often requires checking both parts.

A malfunctioning regulator can mimic or exacerbate problems attributed to the window motor, such as the window moving off-track, failing to stay up, or operating more slowly than usual. In cases where the window ceases to respond entirely, the issue may lie not with the motor itself but with the regulator’s gears or cables becoming worn or damaged.

This distinction is vital because resolving window operation issues may not always necessitate motor replacement; sometimes, repairing or replacing the regulator is sufficient. Understanding this component’s role and how it interacts with the window motor is vital to effectively troubleshooting and maintaining the window system of your Subaru Forester.

Common Signs of a Failing Subaru Forester Power Window Problem

Identifying early warning signs of a Subaru Forester Power Window Problem can save you from the inconvenience of a window that won’t open or close when needed. One of the most apparent signs is when the window moves more slowly than usual. This sluggish movement might suggest the motor struggles due to wear or electrical issues. Another clear indicator is unusual noises while operating the window. If you hear grinding, clicking, or whirring sounds, this could point towards a motor on its last legs or encountering resistance from misaligned components.

Intermittent operation is another red flag. If your Subaru Forester’s window sometimes responds to the switch and other times does not, this inconsistency can be symptomatic of a failing motor or loose electrical connections. Additionally, if the window stops responding, it strongly indicates a severe power window problem, necessitating a closer inspection of the motor and its electrical circuitry.

Lastly, if the window moves in a jerky or unsteady fashion instead of the smooth operation you’re used to; it might mean the motor is not receiving consistent power or the mechanism it drives is damaged. This erratic movement often precedes a total failure, signalling it’s time to troubleshoot or consult a professional.

By staying alert to these signs, you can address a Subaru Power Window Problem before it escalates, ensuring your vehicle’s windows remain functional and reliable.

Testing Your Subaru Window Motor

Subaru cars are renowned for their reliability, but like any vehicle, they require maintenance from time to time. One common issue that Subaru owners may encounter is a malfunctioning window motor. If you struggle with a window that’s slow to open or close or perhaps not moving at all, it’s time to test the window motor.

1. Diagnosing the Problem

Before testing the window motor, it’s essential to diagnose the issue correctly. Scrutinize the window for any obstructions or debris hindering its movement. If the window is clean and free of obstacles, the problem likely lies with the motor.

2. Power Supply Check

Start by checking the power supply to the window motor. Use a multimeter to test the voltage at the motor’s connector. When the window switch is activated, there should be a consistent voltage reading. The issue may be with the switch or wiring if there’s no voltage.

3. Motor Functionality Test

If the power supply is adequate, the next step is to test the motor’s functionality. Disconnect the motor from the window regulator and apply direct power from a battery. Be cautious during this step to avoid any electrical mishaps. The motor should respond promptly and move the window smoothly. If it doesn’t, the motor will likely need replacement.

4. Regulator Examination

While testing the motor, inspect the window regulator for any signs of damage or wear. The regulator is responsible for guiding the window up and down smoothly. If it’s bent, broken, or worn out, it can cause the window to malfunction even with a functioning motor.

How to Safely Replace Your Subaru Forester Electric Window Motor?

Replacing your Subaru Forester Electric Window Motor can seem daunting, but it’s a manageable task with the right tools and precautions. First, ensure your vehicle’s ignition is turned off to prevent electrical shocks. Next, carefully remove the door panel by unscrewing any visible screws and gently prying it away from the clips holding it in place. It’s crucial to keep track of all screws and clips for reassembly. Disconnect any electrical connectors attached to the panel, especially those linked to your window controls.

Locate the window motor within the door; it’s typically bolted to the door frame and connected to the regulator. Before removal, secure the window in its closed position with tape to prevent it from falling once the motor is disconnected. Unbolt the motor, disconnecting its electrical connector. Take note of the motor’s orientation to ensure the replacement is installed correctly. Carefully replace the old motor with the new one, ensuring that any electrical connectors are reconnected. Reattach the motor to the door, followed by the door panel, providing all clips and screws are securely fastened.

Handling electrical components always carries risks, so if you’re unsure or uncomfortable with any steps, seeking professional assistance is advisable to avoid injury or damage to your vehicle.

Maintenance Tips to Extend the Life of Your Window Motor

Your car’s window motor is a vital component, providing convenience and functionality to your vehicle’s windows. To ensure its longevity and smooth operation, regular maintenance is essential. Here are some tips to extend the life of your window motor:

1. Keep It Clean:

Dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate in the window tracks and around the motor, causing it to work harder than necessary. Regularly clean the window tracks and motor housing with a soft brush or cloth to prevent buildup.

2. Lubricate Moving Parts:

Proper lubrication reduces friction and wear on the window motor’s moving parts. According to the manufacturer’s recommendations, a silicone-based lubricant should be applied to the window tracks and motor gears. Avoid using petroleum-based lubricants, as they can attract more dirt and grime.

3. Check for Signs of Wear:

Periodically inspect the condition of the window motor, tracks, and regulator. Look for any signs of wear, such as frayed wires, loose connections, or damaged gears. Addressing minor issues promptly can prevent them from escalating into more significant problems.

4. Test Window Operation:

Regularly test the functionality of your vehicle’s windows to ensure smooth operation. If you notice any unusual noises, slow movement, or sticking, it could indicate underlying issues with the window motor or regulator. Promptly address these issues to prevent further damage.

5. Avoid Overloading:

Avoid putting excessive strain on your window motor by overloading the windows with heavy objects or attempting to operate them when obstructed. Excessive strain can lead to premature wear and failure of the engine.

Preventative Measures to Avoid Window Motor Issues

Window motor issues can significantly inconvenience vehicle owners, leading to malfunctioning windows and potential safety hazards. However, with some preventative measures and regular maintenance, these problems can often be avoided. Below are some effective strategies to prevent window motor issues and keep your vehicle’s windows operating smoothly.

Regular Lubrication:

One of the primary causes of window motor failure is lack of lubrication. Over time, the window tracks and mechanisms can become dry and prone to friction, putting strain on the motor. To prevent this, it’s essential to lubricate the window tracks regularly and hinges with a suitable lubricant. Silicone-based lubricants are often recommended as they provide long-lasting lubrication without attracting dust and debris.

Avoid Excessive Force:

Another common cause of window motor issues is applying excessive force when operating the windows. Whether manually or electrically operated, forcing a window to move when stuck can put undue stress on the motor and damage the mechanisms. Instead, if you encounter resistance when opening or closing a window, stop and investigate the cause of the obstruction before proceeding.

Keep Window Tracks Clean:

Dirt, debris, and grime can accumulate in the window tracks over time, hindering the smooth movement of the windows. Regularly cleaning the window tracks with a soft brush or cloth can help prevent this buildup and reduce the strain on the window motor. Also, avoid using harsh chemicals or excessive water, which can damage the tracks and surrounding components.

Inspect and Replace Worn Components:

As with any mechanical system, the components of a window mechanism can wear out over time. Periodically inspecting the window tracks, rollers, and seals for signs of wear and tear can help identify potential issues before they escalate into major problems. Replace any worn or damaged components promptly to prevent further damage to the window motor.


Q: How often should I maintain my Subaru Window Motor to ensure its longevity?

A: Regular maintenance should be performed at least twice a year, including cleaning the window tracks and applying silicone-based lubricant. This frequency can increase depending on your driving conditions and if you frequently use the windows.

Q: What are the signs that my Subaru Window Motor needs replacing?

A: Key indicators include the window moving slower than usual, producing grinding noises, or not moving. These signs suggest the motor may be failing and could require a replacement.

Q: Is it necessary to replace the window regulator when I replace the Subaru Forester Window Motor?

A: Not always. If the regulator is in good working condition and there are no signs of wear or damage, then replacing only the Subaru Forester Window Motor should suffice. However, inspecting the regulator while you have access to ensure it’s functioning properly is advisable.

Q: Can extreme weather conditions affect my Subaru Window Motor?

A: Yes, extreme temperatures can impact the motor’s performance. Cold weather might cause the windows to move sluggishly due to thicker grease or ice formation, while high temperatures can overheat the engine. Protecting and maintaining the motor and window tracks can help mitigate these effects.


Ensuring the health and functionality of your Subaru Forester Window Motor is vital to enjoying the uninterrupted convenience and safety provided by your vehicle’s power windows. Through a comprehensive understanding of the window regulator’s function, vigilance for the signs of motor trouble, and adherence to testing, maintenance, and preventative practices, you can significantly prolong the life of your window motor. While troubleshooting and regular care can mitigate many issues, it’s also important to recognize when professional assistance might be required, particularly in replacement instances.

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